Genuine leather bucket bag, women's handbag with popular change strap, 1 strap FREE, minimalist leather handbag, handmade
Our bags are designed with great attention to detail in Germany and.
Our bags are designed with great attention to detail in Germany and handmade by small Italian family businesses. Here, short production routes, fair payment and the elimination of middlemen are particularly important to us. We attach great importance to communication with our producers.
With our bags, the symbiosis of minimalist but still stylish design and functionality and comfort is especially important to us - we want you to be satisfied with your new favorite bag for a long time.
Genuine Leather - Bucket Bag "ZAKY"
- minimalist-stylish design
- 2 adjustable shoulder straps to replace: one long (max. 110 cm) + one short strap (51 cm) FREE with each order
- popular 2 large inner compartments as well as a smaller compartment, which can be securely closed with zipper
- the whole bag can be closed with a push button
- Zaky's size makes her perfect to take with her wherever you go: to work, to university, to school...
- handmade from durable calfskin
- Dimensions: 23 cm x 27 cm x 16 cm (width x height x depth)
- Weight without content: approx. 600g