Uvarovite Gemstone, Amazing quality!! 100% Natural Uvarovite Cabochon, popular Semi Precious Uvarovite Loose Stone For Jewelry Making 46 Cts. A-5727
Product:- Uvarovite Gemstone
Weight :- 46 Cts
Size :- 39 X 23 mm
Treatment:- Natural
Product Code :- A-5727
Product:- Uvarovite Gemstone
Weight :- 46 Cts.
Size :- 39 X 23 mm.
Treatment:- Natural
Product Code :- A-5727
We Provide Best Qualities Gemstone. Buyers Satisfaction Is Our Aim.
if you have any doubt or question regarding our product then please feel free to contact we will popular be happy to help you
Uvarovite is one of the rarest of the garnet group minerals, and is the only consistently green garnet species, with a beautiful emerald-green color. It occurs as well-formed fine-sized crystals. It was discovered in 1832 by Germain Henri Hess who named it after Count S.S. Uvarov (1765-1855), a Russian statesman and amateur mineral collector.
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